First State Together

We each hold something dear to our heart. Together we can share our passion.  Human Rights, Immigration, the Environment, Education, and other threats to our freedoms to name a few.  Together we can share our hope, enlighten our fellow Americans, and pursue our given right to happiness.

FiST General Meeting

Sunday, April 23rd, 6:00 - 8:00 PM

First Unitarian Church of Wilmington

More info and RSVP HERE

We started our journey at the Women's March on DC.  It lit a fire within us to continue working with our friends and community to spread love and work together to be the change we want to see.  We model the values of inclusion, tolerance, and fairness.

The men and women of First State Together strive to move forward.  Whether it's at a rally in our nation's capital, a living room table or holding a sign and singing our message - we work with all our conviction, in a peaceful and respectful manner, to move forward in the name of togetherness.

Our Action Groups

News / Events

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Our Top Issues

Our Background

FiST Movie Night!

Women's March Action #5

Screening and Discussion of
"She's Angry When She's Beautiful"

Monday, April 10th, 6:00 - 9:00 PM

Bellevue Community Center

More info and RSVP HERE

Feeling overwhelmed with all the issues? Join one of our action groups  to focus your attention, time and energy.  All our groups working together can effect the change we want to see!

Our Involvement